Enchantment Ink is pleased to introduce the 21st volume in our series of full-color guides to American illustrators, American Types: A Collector's Guide to Clarence F. Underwood, by Norman I. Platnick. Eighteen years in the making, this new volume attempts to bring together Underwood’s published works. Part I of the book includes biographical information and full-color images of his magazine covers, ads, color story and book illustrations, postcards, trade cards, brochures, boxes, posters, and signs, as well as his prints and calendar images. The color section includes over 700 images on 107 8.5x11 pages. Part II deals with the story illustrations for books and magazines that were published in back-and-white; this section includes over 1350 images as well as a detailed index and price guide.
Click here to download this guide, for free.
A note from William Platnick
Hello Enchantment Ink visitor. On April 8th, 2020, the author of all these books, my father, Norman Platnick, died of complications due to a serious fall.
Words cannot describe the amount of pain my family is in right now. My father was a wonderful, humble, loving, passionate and intelligent man. He had 3 passions in life: my mother, spiders and collecting.
As a way of honoring my father's legacy in the illustrated artwork community, I will be turning as many books of his as possible into PDF files and distributing them online, for free.
If you have found these collector's guides useful, I ask that you make a donation to the Norman I. Platnick Memorial Fund, which will be setting up a scholarship in the field of arachnology, my father's career.
If you'd like to learn more about my father and his amazing life (such as skipping middle school and high school and going to college when he was 12), I'd like to lift up just a few pieces:
NY Times: Norman Platnick Obituary
Concord University Magazine Fall 2018: Friendly Neighbordhood Arachnologist page 20
NY Times: The Exciting Adventures of Spider Man
Daily News: NYC'S real-life spider man
NY Times: For Some, an Appliance; for Others, Art
The Wall Street Journal: Warming Up to Spiders